Agility in 2006


24.9.2006 Prosecco (Italy)

Our first competition ever - both for Grin and for me!

We did very good. In agility we gained 15 points because of going around an obstacle and having to repeat the slalom 2 times - my fault, naturally :) In jumping Grin had problems with slalom again, but we'd have been disqualified anyway for leaving out an obstacle (again) - still my fault. I suppose we'll do better when we gain more experience. But for our first time it was great!


Movies of our run:





Thanks Uroš!!


30.9.2006 Kočevje

Double clean run!!! Since we went test dog again, we didn't qualify, but had we competed officially, we'd been placed second... almost a veni vidi vici situation.

I like to think it wasn't just begginner's luck, but we'll prove that on the following competitions.

photo: Polona Železnikar


14.10.2006 Naklo

Double clean run again, and since this time we were competing, we won! We were 1st in the A1/J1 category and have obtained our first qualification for A2.


photos: Polona Železnikar



Relaxing after a job done good :)     


25.11.2006 Koper (unofficial)

It wasn't really my or Grin's day. I wasn't focused (at all) while running the courses and neither was Grin, which resulted in three disqualifications (agility 1, jumping open and agility open) - though the disqs were all my fault, Grin's carelessness "only" brought penalty points. Better luck next time :)


17.12.2006 Postojna

The agility run was a disaster, Grin was completely unfocused again, which led into disqualification (not my fault this time - ok, so it's always the handler's fault, but Grin was quite confused, too). Jumping was better, he actually ran the obstacles and didn't behave like we were going for a walk. We got 5 penalty points for missing the slalom the first time.


Photo: ŠKD Postojna


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